(This was an old blog from another site and time I re-posted here.. After re-reading it I see it needs much in the way of fleshing out. A subject I will come back to for sure.)
What are Necessary Evils? Some are obvious like anger, fear, pain, etc. Why? Because they tend to keep one alive, warn of coming or impending problems. But what of other things? Yes, this is summarily objective but there are probably more similarities than you think and what does ones considered "Necessary Evils" tell someone about oneself? Or, may tell you about yourself? Lets take Death (which I’ve seen more than my share): usually it’s considered necessary because it’s inevitable but, without it, would there be any appreciation for life? Or take Love: it is a really an unexplainable, phenomenal emotion to experience but doesn’t end without awesome pain, hurt, loss or emotional devastation. In other words things always balance out. So is Balance a Necessary Evil? Off the cuff we/I say yes” but what do I naturally try to do. Why, balance the “good” stuff or the “necessities" of life? So it is essentially trying to balance only half of what my life is comprised. Balancing the better parts of my life/emotions/feelings and avoiding the worse parts. The pleasurable vs. the painful. I only wrote a couple Necessary Evils as examples but when I sat and wrote it out in sequence adding more and more, and thought about it some more is when I came up with this insight. I naturally wrote only the unpleasant things as Necessary Evils. Thinking about it was when I realized there were two sides of this coin. Everything is naturally balanced with both good and evil sides. It is when I try and side step the evil that I get hurt the most. Upon looking at what I wrote I realized what, why and how I ended up with the certain prejudices and opinions about things I had and the astonishing thing about this realization is, I saw it from the opposite point of view that I generally hold. Thus expanding my awareness of the necessity of good, evil and balance. The necessity of Necessary Evils is what actually makes life worth living. Not only that, but they are unavoidable and the more I try and set a blind eye toward the evil in the world/self/people the more I am plagued with it’s ramifications. How about you?
With that, you have a sparkling day now!