Hi Everyone,
It seems like I blinked and theren ere 47 followers to my site. I'm flattered. Thank you all. I guess people who know me and told me what I had to say needed to e said and there were people who wanted to read it. So I took a shot and you all proved them right!! I have added a second blog on typepad named "/Steve on Politics..." I figured I'd seperate the two basic thought patterns I have. hat I found out is seeing life through the eye's of a Patriotic American ad seeing life through the eye's of a Patriotic Individual are two totally different and distinct ways of viewing life in America. Sometimes what is right for the American conflicts with what is right for the individual! And vice-a-versa! I order to honor myslf as an individual and what is ight for my country I felt I should seperate the to topics. Besides if you want to hear or read what I have to say on these topics when comingled togther you can check me out on my personal F.B. page at Steve Yankowski on F.B. or my internet home or should I say my "Virtual Coffee Shoppe" on Facebook where I sit and drink coffee ad try and start up Political, Philisophical, or important Current Event discussions where I don't get many visitors. I've just upgraded my typepad blog so you all should be able to comment post share and etc... better now. If not let me know and I'll fix it. I very much want your feedack. I'm also on Where people connect for Freedom. Hope to chat, blog, e-mail, or even meet some of you!